The National Transformational Leadership Institute at the University of Juba in partnership with UNDP conducted a tailor-made training on sexual gender based violence and trauma healing from the 4th to 8th December 2018 in Torit Peace Commission training hall. The participants were 36 (20 men and 15 women) selected from 12 counties of Torit state namely: Magwi, Lafon, Pageri, Torit East, Torit West, Kidepo Valley, Lopa, Ikwotos, Lopit Ayaci, Hiyala and Geria County. The objective of the training was to build skills for PACC project beneficiaries (peace committees) and youth groups on transformational leadership, gender based violence prevention and response, counselling and trauma healing. These would equip the peace committee members with knowledge and skills to support survivors of gender based violence in their counties.
Various approaches were employed to enhance the understanding of the sessions which included presentations, personal testimonies, demonstrations, role plays, brainstorming, mini lectures, group discussions, plenary presentations and case studies. The training amplified participants’ knowledge and practical skills on gender based violence prevention, protection and response, counselling and trauma healing. Furthermore, the participants acquired knowledge on transformational leadership and the different roles women play in the society. The participants argued that transformational leadership is crucial in eradicating human rights violations in the states and it requires the input of both genders to manage community affairs. They identified the chiefs and traditional leaders as the key stakeholders in the fight against gender based violence since some cases are exacerbated by cultural beliefs.
Conclusively, the participants recommended NTLI and UNDP to continue conducting trainings at county level in order to sensitive more people on gender based violence. The participants also stated the need to follow-up and mentor trainees to support the intervention in all the counties.