The National Transformational Leadership Institute at the University of Juba in collaboration with UNWomen conducted a ten days training on transformational leadership, sexual gender based violence and conflict management for women leaders in Juba from the 6th to 16th November 2018. The participants were drawn from the National Constitutional and Electoral bodies, Security Sector, United Nations Police, Civil Society Organizations, Faith Based Organizations, National Women Organizations, Academia and the Peace Network.
The overall objective of the training was to build skills of women leaders on transformational leadership, sexual gender based violence and conflict management. The topics covered included envisioning a culture of peace, conflict mapping and analysis, introduction to gender, sexual gender based violence prevention and response, human rights, conflict management strategies, peaceful means of conflict resolution with emphasis on mediation and dialogue, saving and its benefits, mental health, the power of influence, use and abuse of power, advocacy and lobbying.
The participants acquired knowledge on how leadership plays a vital role in gender and how it affects women, families, perpetrators and the communities at large. They were able to analyze the conflicts in South Sudan by identifying the root causes and developing strategies to resolve these conflicts. The participants were similarly able to establish a network of sharing information and expressed their intentions of joining the South Sudan Women Peace Network. The participants recommended UNWomen to continue strengthening the capacity of women across the country on transformational leadership, sexual gender based violence, conflict management and economic empowerment.