Training on Transformational Leadership, Awareness Raising on Covid19, Sexual Gender Based Violence, Psychological Support, Trauma healing, Counselling and the R-ARCSS

With support from UNWomen, the National Transformational Leadership Institute (NTLI) at the University of Juba conducted a ten days training on awareness raising and strengthening women as front liners in the fight against COVID-19. The training was held at Yambio Women Empowerment Centre (YWEC) from 1st to 11th June 2020. The training brought together 30 female leaders from Yambio town drawn from six institutions representing Local Government, State Legislative Assembly, Business Community, Civil Society Organizations, Community Chiefs and Faith Based Organizations. The training aimed at empowering women and imparting knowledge and skills to enable them to become strong agents of transformational leadership and conflict resolution and also create strong networks among women from all sectors of the community.  Participants were expected to act as agents of change in spear heading the fight against spread of the contagion COVID-19 in their various communities. The training covered COVID-19 prevention and response and built skills on transformational leadership, peace building and conflict management, networking, trauma healing, counselling and provisions for women’s participation in the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS).